A quantum spin approach to histone dynamics
Authors: C. Gils, J.L. Wrana, W.K. Abou Salem
(Submitted on 22 Dec 2009 (v1), last revised 12 Sep 2010 (this version, v2))
Abstract: Post-translational modifications of histone proteins are an important factor in epigenetic control that serve to regulate transcription, depending on the particular modification states of the histone proteins. We study the stochastic dynamics of histone protein states, taking into account a feedback mechanism where modified nucleosomes recruit enzymes that diffuse to adjacent nucleosomes. We map the system onto a quantum spin system whose dynamics is generated by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. Making an ansatz for the solution as a tensor product state leads to nonlinear partial differential equations that describe the dynamics of the system. Multiple stable histone states appear in a parameter regime whose size increases with increasing number of modification sites. We discuss the role of the spatial dependance, and we consider the effects of spatially heterogeneous enzymatic activity. Finally, we consider multistability in a model of several types of correlated post-translational modifications
Я не являюсь дипломированным молекулярным биологом. Кроме того я не знаком с деталями и тонкостями теории ППГ. В любом случае важно экспериментальное подтверждение. Если создатель теории волнового генома сможет продемонстрировать эксперимент в корректности которого смогут убедиться независимые авторитетные эксперты - тогда все ясно. Пока что ППГ опубликовал всего лишь несколько статей в англоязычном научном журнале. Включен ли этот журнал в ISI Web of Science (что является критерием признания периодического издания научным сообществом) мне неизвестно.
Biophysical Chemistry Group, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia-1113 and
Department of Physics, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria
We are convinced that GPU.proton.DOCK server will be
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analysis of protonation-dependent docking results as
well as in silico charge mutagenesis effects on the interaction
mechanisms. At the same time, we work toward
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agenda follows:
Quantum effects in protein–protein/ligand recognition— quantum entanglement contribution: toward
quantum non-locality concepts in explaining structure–
function relation in the context of structural
bioinformatics and for the improvement of docking
Relations occur on all levels of systems. Following a major assumption of generalized quantum theory, namely that the principles of quantum mechanics will occur on higher system levels as well, it was investigated in an a posteriori analysis of pre-existing data whether relational patterns found for two-photon experiments are similarly performed by two cell-populations. In particular, the typical pattern in outcomes of two-photon entanglement experiments was extrapolated to discover similar patterns of relationships in the cellular biological system of the Ciliate Paramecium caudatum. In the former case we find one photon assuming a particular state when being measured and the other assuming a correlated state with regard to the first particle. From a perspective of degrees of freedom (df) the author interprets this outcome as follows: Each particle has only one df for assuming a particular state (e.g. its spin). When measured this is leading to a pattern: They use their two degrees of freedom for establishing a relation among them (particle-to-particle) and for a relation with the environment (particle-to-measurement). If this pattern is unique then we should find it also in cell-to-cell relationships. It was suggested to consider causations in cell-to-cell relations as the analogue to the relationship between the quantum particles (see above) and the dependence of repeating the experiments as the analogue to the measurement event in the quantum experiment. It was hypothesized that in a relational system of two cell populations only one should be sensitive to the repetition of the experiment. The other population, however, should establish a relation with the first one. Since the author had successfully performed experiments with pairs of cell populations that were separated with glass barriers from each other but having effects on each other (Fels in PLoS One 4:e5086, 2009), the system was perfectly well suited for testing the hypothesis. The assessed cell variable was cell division. An a posteriori analysis of three similar experiments confirmed that when populations were in a relation with each other, only one of them stood in relation with the repetition of the experiment.
The role of water in the information exchange between the components of an ecosystem
Living organisms and ecosystems have been shown to be sensitive to very weak signals originating very far away. The dynamics governing these phenomena is discussed in the framework of Quantum Field Theory. This phenomenon gives an indication on the dynamics responsible for the exchange of information in ecosystems. The peculiar role of coherent water is stressed. It is shown that energy is able to travel in a coherent medium in form of solitons, without any losses.
Тут уже болгары за дело взялись (кстати достаточно солидный журнал):
Описывается программка для молекулярного докинга. Вас интересует докинг? Попробуйте погонять программку. gpudock.orgchm.bas.bg/
Должна быть не хуже стандартных программ для докинга.
Описывается программка для молекулярного докинга. Вас интересует докинг? Попробуйте погонять программку. gpudock.orgchm.bas.bg/
Должна быть не хуже стандартных программ для докинга.
А что такое докинг ?
Кроме того, мит, посмотрите пожалуйста - я в 109-м посте в теме
Intermolecular enol tautomers of Watson-Crick base pairs could emerge spontaneously via
interbase double proton transfer. It has been hypothesized that their formation could be facilitated by thermal
fluctuations and proton tunneling, and possibly be relevant to DNA damage. Theoretical and computational
studies, assuming classical nuclei, have confirmed the dynamic stability of these rare tautomers. However,
by accounting for nuclear quantum effects explicitly through Car-Parrinello path integral molecular dynamics
calculations, we find the tautomeric enol form to be dynamically metastable, with lifetimes too insignificant
to be implicated in DNA damage
Люди, посмотрите, кому не лень, это про квантовое туннелирование атомов водорода в ДНК.
Люди ! Протоны перебрасываются через водородные связи между двумя различными нитями двойной спирали ? Если в данной статье нет то может ли такое быть в принципе ? Могут ли от одной цепи к другой в двойной спирали перепрыгнуть не протоны а электроны ?
Могут ли от одной цепи к другой в двойной спирали перепрыгнуть не протоны а электроны ?
Quantrinas написал(а):
Электроны там вообще прыгают куда хотят
limarodessa написал(а):
То есть они через водородную связь соединяющую пару нуклеотидов в двойной спирали могут от одной цепи в другую попасть ?
Quantrinas написал(а):
А почему нет? Могут!
Ну хорошо. Тогда получается что электроны сохраняя квантовую когерентность перемещаются от одной цепи ДНК к другой в двойной спирали в период когда ДНК не расплетена и химические реакции не идут. А когда пойдет репликация то в дочерней ДНК окажутся электроны сохранившие начальную когерентность которая была в исходной ДНК ... Это получается ловушка для сохранения квантовой когерентности