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TOPIC: Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 06:32 #61

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adaris wrote:
А давайте просто на зло паулите выростим клубникоредис :)

А давай :P

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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 06:40 #62

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Meaningful UV and IR photon-exchange within bio-tissue? — Interdisciplinary evidence, and a new way to view asbestos toxicity
(#A) “Ultra-weak” photon emissions of IR and UV from living tissue; (well-known in
Russia since 1923, but largely ignored elsewhere

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 06:43 #63

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А что, limarodessa, ортодоксы уже кончились - вернулся к копанию в мусорках? ;)
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Last Edit: 30 Май 2017 06:44 by PauLita.

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 06:48 #64

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Доцент не читатель. Доцент - коллекционер :hihihi:
Каждому - своё.

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 07:01 #65

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PauLita wrote:
А что, limarodessa, ортодоксы уже кончились - вернулся к копанию в мусорках? ;)

Согласен - последнюю ссылку прошу считать в этой теме неуместной

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 07:07 #66

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Ultra-weak photon emission as a dynamic tool for monitoring oxidative stress metabolism, Rosilene Cristina Rossetto Burgos, Johannes Cornelius Schoeman, Lennart Jan van Winden, Kateřina Červinková, Rawi Ramautar, Eduard P. A. Van Wijk, Michal Cifra, Ruud Berger, Thomas Hankemeier & Jan van der Greef, Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 1229 (2017)
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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 07:08 #67

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Biophoton signal transmission and processing in the brain. Tang,R
Title Biophoton signal transmission and processing in the brain.
Authors R Tang,J Dai
Journal Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology
Issn 1873-2682
Doi 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2013.12.008
PMID 24461927
Volume 139
Pages 71-5
Website Website::[1]
Publication Year Oct 2014
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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 07:09 #68

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Bacteriochlorin Dyads as Solvent Polarity Dependent Near-Infrared Fluorophores and Reactive Oxygen Species Photosensitizers
Nopondo N. Esemoto†, Zhanqian Yu†, Linda Wiratan†‡, Andrius Satraitis†, and Marcin Ptaszek*†
† Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, Maryland 21250, United States
‡ Biotechnology Career Academy, Applications and Research Laboratory, Howard County Public School System, Ellicott City, Maryland 21042, United States
Org. Lett., 2016, 18 (18), pp 4590–4593
DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.6b02237
Publication Date (Web): September 7, 2016
Copyright © 2016 American Chemical Society
*E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. .
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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 07:10 #69

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Chitin Elicitor-Responsive Photon Emission is potentiated by Plant Activators
through Priming of Salicylic Acid Signaling
in Rice
Hiroyuki Iyozumi
, Hideki Nukui and Kimihiko Kato
Shizuoka Prefectural Research Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, Tomigaoka, Iwata, Shizuoka 438-0803, Japan
Corresponding author
: Hiroyuki Iyozumi, Shizuoka Prefectural Research Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, Tomigaoka, Iwata, Shizuoka 438-0803, Japan, Tel: +81
538 36 1556; Fax: +81 538 37 8466; E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
Received date:
Jul 15, 2016;
Accepted date:
Sep 09, 2016;
Published date:
Sep 16, 2016
2016 Iyozumi H, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 07:10 #70

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Cell Biophysics

February 1991, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp 15–29
Light-Induced photon emission by rat hepatocytes and hepatoma cells

Authors and affiliations

Roeland Van WijkHans Van Aken

Roeland Van Wijk
Hans Van Aken

1.Department of Molecular Cell BiologyState University of UtrechtThe Netherlands


11 March 1991
23 May 1991

DOI: 10.1007/BF02990513

Cite this article as:
Van Wijk, R. & Van Aken, H. Cell Biophysics (1991) 18: 15. doi:10.1007/BF02990513

19 Citations 29 Downloads
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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 07:20 #71

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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 07:45 #72

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Biological Signals Transmitted by Longitudinal Waves Influencing the Growth of Plants
In the experiments presented the effects of transmitting
information derived from the growth hormone gibberellic acid
(GA) to peas over a distance of some meters have been
. Transmission of the biochemical characteristics of GA
was achieved through a carrier wave of approximately 6.78 MHz
running along a copper wire comparable to a strip line from the
gibberellic acid as the source of information to the exposed peas,
which reacted by a statistically significant enhanced root growth.
The measured averages of the germinating pea root lengths were
compared to control values, i.e. values corresponding to
untreated peas. While continuous GA transmission resulted in an
average increase of root length by approximately 50-60%, a
singular burst of 15 minutes could increase roots’ length by an
additional 42%, raising the increase relative to the control group
by as much as 125% in total. Both values could be established
with very high statistical significance. In a third experimental
setup, the peas were treated instead of a GA-signal, with an
apoptotic signal produced in two different ways: with a pulse
carrying the information of peas (a) either stored anaerobically
(48-100 hours) or (b) peas macerized and therefore
decomparmented. The almost total inhibition of root growth
showed, again with high statistical significance, that an
information transmission must have occurred remotely. The
molecule hypothesized should be cytochrome c, released by the
stress occurring during the apoptotical process. Some hypotheses
in technical as well as in biological respect are being discussed.
Peas, Cell Communication, Signaling, Scalar Wave, Magnetic

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 07:49 #73

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Digital Information Transmitted by Scalar Waves Effects Biological Response in Yeast
Furthermore, there exists experimental evidence for scalar waves transporting information in biological systems: K.Meyl and H.Schnabl
transferred the information of gibberillinic acid to peas which resulted in a statistically highly significant acceleration of the germination process [8]. Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier sent the mere information of an intact bacterial DNA chain to corresponding DNA primers and achieved a correct
reconstitution up to a 75% level [10]. In a previous study, we could show that the analogue information transfer of clotrimazole is able to reduce
yeast growth in a statistical significant manner [1]. These positive results encouraged us to study also the effects of digital information in our yeast model.

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 07:51 #74

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Drug effects in yeast mediated by scalar waves
Scalar waves (Tesla waves) represent a special class of longitudinal waves in electromagnetics according to the wave equation. The
extension of Maxwell`s field equations by the term of scalar waves is stringent since the experimental proof of magnetic monopoles
(Morris, 2009). The physical properties of magnetic scalar waves may qualify them as a means of signal transfer in biological
systems. By the help of an experimental kit producing a resonant scalar waveto be used as a carrier wave for biological information,
it can be shown that clotrimazole, a fungicide, exerts a growth inhibiting effect on yeast without any chemical contact. Possible
implications for medical purposes are discussed

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 07:57 #75

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RETRACTED ARTICLE: Task of the introns, cell communication explained by field physics
The evolution of genes is achieved via cellular communication based on the principles of resonance. Resonance between the DNA of cells requires not only the appropriate frequency and phase but also mirrored modulation of the transmitter and receiver using identical information. If the receiver is missing information that still needs to be transported, no interference or suppression of the resonance is allowed. In nature creating a predominance of non-coded DNA regions, which maintains and completes the resonance required in reading and writing of genetic information, solves this problem.

Keywords: Cell communication, DNA-wave, Introns, Resonance

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 08:03 #76

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DNA and Cell Biology
Retraction of: “DNA and Cell Resonance: Magnetic Waves Enable Cell Communication,” by Konstantin Meyl, DNA and Cell Biology (2012;31:422–426)

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 09:03 #77

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Паулите в липку колЪ :

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 19–23, 2012

Cellular Communication by Magnetic Scalar Waves
Konstantin Meyl
PIERS Proceedings, 997 - 1000, August 19-23, Moscow, RUSSIA 2012
[Full Text: PDF] Downloads: 3210

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 09:06 #78

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DNA and cell communication via magnetic scalar waves, a possible basic principle of the Bioresonance Method?
DNA generates a longitudinal wave that propagates in the direction of the magnetic
field vector. Computed frequencies from the structure of DNA agree with those of
biophoton radiation.
The optimisation of efficiency by minimising the conduction losses leads to the
double-helix structure of DNA\
The vortex model of the magnetic scalar wave not only covers many observed
structures within the cell nucleus perfectly, but also explains the hyperboloid
channels in the matrix when two cells communicate with each other.
Potential vortices are an essential component of scalar waves", as discovered in
7 990. The basic approach for an extended field theory was confirmed in 2009 with
the discovery of magnetic monopoles^^. This provides the opportunity to explain the
physical basis of life\
With this first introduction of the magnetic scalar wave, it becomes clear that such a
wave is suitable to use genetic code chemically stored in the base pairs of the genes
and electrically modulate them, so as to ^^piggyback^' information from the cell
nucleus to another cell. At the receiving end, the reverse process takes place and the
transported information is converted back into a chemical structure. The necessary
energy required to power the chemical process is provided by the magnetic scalar
w a v e i t s e l f .
Last Edit: 30 Май 2017 09:07 by limarodessa.

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 11:46 #79

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The DNA generates a longitudinal wave which
propagates within the magnetic field vector. Computed
frequencies from DNA structure agree with bio photon
radiation frequencies as predicted. Optimization of
efficiency is done by minimizing the conduction losses
which leads to the double helix structure of DNA. The
vortex model of the magnetic scalar wave not only covers
the many observed structures within the nucleus but also
introduces the reader to the hyperboloid channels in the
matrix as two cells are then found to communicate with
each other. Physical results were revealed in 1990 which
form the theoretical basis of the essential component of a
potential vortex scalar wave. An extended field theory
approach has been known since 2009 following the
discovery of magnetic monopoles. For the first time
magnetic scalar wave theory best explains the
physical basis of life not only from the
biological discipline of science understanding
only. And for the first time this interdisciplinary
theory and provides a new understanding of
cellular functions that are explained such theory
depicting the complex relationships of nature.
The characteristics of the potential vortex are
decisive. Now using the concentration effect,
my theory provides a cellular miniaturization
view down to a few nanometers. This theory for
the first time allows a better understanding of
the outrageously high information density in the
nucleus. Magnetic scalar wave theory explains
how the dual base pair-stored information of the
genetic code is formed. The process of
converting electrical modulation into
“piggyback” information that transfers or is
send from the cell nucleus to another cell is a
revolutionary theory. Information transferred at
the receiving end during the reverse process
takes place involving a change in the physical and
chemical cellular structure. The energy required to power
the chemical process, is now understood by the extended
field theory to come from the magnetic scalar wave itself.
Keywords: Cell Communication, Introns, DNA-wave,
Resonance, longitudinal magnetic wave

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 11:50 #80

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А скаких пор ученые традиционной ориентации занимаются scalar waves?
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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 11:53 #81

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Журналы в которых опубликовано рецензируемые.

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 11:56 #82

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limarodessa wrote:
Журналы в которых опубликовано рецензируемые.

Рецензируемые кем? - Гаряев тоже бубликуется в интернетном журнале помойке, где он работает является членом в рецензионной комиссии.
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Last Edit: 30 Май 2017 11:59 by PauLita.

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 11:57 #83

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limarodessa wrote:
В каком рецензируемом журнале опубликованно это?
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Last Edit: 30 Май 2017 11:59 by PauLita.

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 12:01 #84

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PauLita wrote:
Рецензируемые кем?


Drug effects in yeast mediated by scalar waves

Ebbers JA, Meyl K
Scalar waves (Tesla waves) represent a special class of longitudinal waves in electromagnetics according to the wave equation. The extension of Maxwell`s field equations by the term of scalar waves is stringent since the experimental proof of magnetic monopoles (Morris, 2009).

Medical Science, 2014, 8(30), 58-62
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Digital Information Transmitted by Scalar Waves Effects Biological Response in Yeast

Johannes A Ebbers, Konstantin Meyl
Scalar waves (longitudinal waves) seem to play an important role as a carrier for biological information. Previous investigation provided evidence for the assumption that analogue information can be brought to effect in a biological target by scalar wave transport.

Medical Science, 2016, 20(78), 41-44
Full Text | PDF
Last Edit: 30 Май 2017 12:16 by limarodessa.

Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 30 Май 2017 12:07 #85

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Free energy advocates have pushed the concept {scalar waves} since the 1990s, particularly Thomas E. Bearden. It has since been adopted by some alternative medicine practitioners as the new "quantum": a universally-applicable sciencey handwave to support any arbitrary claim whatsoever. Conspiracy theorists hold that it is behind weather-changing superweapons that brought down space shuttle Columbia.
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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 31 Май 2017 09:09 #86

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Бери, доцент - нашел для тебя в мусорке:

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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 31 Май 2017 09:09 #87

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Бери, доцент - нашел для тебя в мусорке:

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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 31 Май 2017 09:10 #88

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Бери, доцент - нашел для тебя в мусорке:

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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 31 Май 2017 09:11 #89

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Бери, доцент - нашел для тебя в мусорке:

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Ортодоксальная наука о взаимодействии ЭМ излучения с ДНК и гистонами 31 Май 2017 09:11 #90

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Бери, доцент - нашел для тебя в мусорке:

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