Последний год Янчег фестивалил покруче Сержа Карякина. При этом, не так уж он и старше. Хорошая смена Морозевичу растет.
А Моро жаль, но Грищук в этом году явно не сладкая булочка. Думаю в пятерочку лучших гроссов входит.
Посмотрим теперь быструшки. А если повезет, то и блицок.
Рекомендую посмотреть окончание трансляции на Кресбуке, где Юдитка в эндшпиле искала победу с ладьей и слоном супротив ладьи. Комментарии Шипова вполне соответствовали высочайшему напряжению.
Я всегда говорил, что Поно гений!!! Это прямой наследник Онотоле Евгеньича!!!!
И это игра в быструшки! Комп и тот не видит и не понимает действий Поно до поры до времени. Тем более, Поно не делал ошибок вообще! Это образец для классической партии. А если учесть, что ему надо было выигрывать черными на заказ, то это вообще чудо!!!!
— Judit, what did not you manage to do in the match?
Polgar: I cannot say that luck was not on my side today. For me it was a surprise yesterday that my color was Black. I did not know that after the match against Karjakin, according to the rules I had to take his color and that the first round of the quarterfinals I have to play Black. I think still I managed to cope with this unexpected situation — thanks to my serious preparation to the game against Peter.
I think I got good position in the second game. After move 36…Rd5 it seemed to me that it was even better a bit. Here Peter made e5-e4 and everything sharply changed. I stepped on one of the minea in the mine field which Peter has prepared for me. I had several seconds left and I could not find the best defense and soon I had to resign.
- Peter, was it difficult to fight against Judit Polgar?
Svidler: It is historical the case that all the games against Judit go on in a tough fight. This time was not easy as well. I got prepared to my first game in my style: analyzed move d5 in all variations except for the one which occurred on board. That is why I did not have any constructive plan, and we had senseless draw in 15 moves.
The choice of Sicilian defense in the second game was not due to my wish to surprise my opponent but a wish a bloody fight.
The Ukrainian Grandmaster Vassily Ivanchuk is leading in score in the match against his compatriot Ruslan Ponomariov. The winner told the journalists on the flow of the game in his interview.
-Vassily, how did you manage to win with Black?
— My opponent developed the opening in a rather unlucky way. After the moment when we exchanged queens, it became obvious that Black had a serious advantage. Frankly speaking when I captured with my Rook on f2, Ruslan managed to arrange his pieces and it seemed to me that he had enough compensation for a pawn. However, in the mutual time-trouble he made a rough mistake and the blow on g2 was decisive.
— Tell us please whether the victory inspires you? Do you feel that you are leading in the match?
— I am not thinking about that so far. I will be thinking about the next game in the nearest future.
— Many journalists consider this match as continuation of your match with Ponomariov 10 years ago. Do you keep it in your mind or you don’t recall on it?
— I do not recall on the events that took place such a long time ago.
— Question from photographer: do you like sea? If yes, do you prefer to swim or simply delight the picturesque views?
— I like sea very much. Sometimes I swim and from time to time I simply relish its beauty. This year I played in the Greek League: the sea is marvelous there and all the conditions are met for the perfect rest.