Портит только турнир нам. Теперь Крамник и Ананд новинки выдавать не будут. Всё равно уже первое место не занять. Так на ничьих и доедем до финиша. Ээх....
Фигушки! Крамника удавить в позиционном стиле, а Ананду срубить флаг, Карлсену найти дыру в каспаровском дебюте, Иванчука переиграть на понимание!!! Даешь 100% !!!!
The 500 euros for the best game of the day went to former world champion Vladimir Kramnik, who downed Holland’s Jan Smeets in an elegantly conducted Pirc that lasted 40 moves. “Jan played the opening strangely,” Kramnik said, “and he used up a lot of time. In the endgame, he should have opted for a defence with a pawn down but he went for complications instead. Why I chose the Pirc? I’ve been playing the Petroff almost all my life and I was afraid Jan was going to refute it. I’d still play the Petroff against Anand, against Carlsen, but against this guy … no way!”
Why I chose the Pirc? I’ve been playing the Petroff almost all my life and I was afraid Jan was going to refute it. I’d still play the Petroff against Anand, against Carlsen, but against this guy … no way!”
Why I chose the Pirc? I’ve been playing the Petroff almost all my life and I was afraid Jan was going to refute it. I’d still play the Petroff against Anand, against Carlsen, but against this guy … no way!”
Implying that that guy can refute Petroff while Anand and Carlsen can't?! Или цитата неточная или Крамнику надо поработать над английским
After scrambling a draw from a thoroughly dubious position against Magnus Carlsen in round four, Nigel [Short] explained his choice of 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6 as Black: The thing was, I suspected he would play the Scottish against an Englishman, so I decided to play the Scandinavian against a Norwegian!”
Whatsoever, I wouldn't have minded if this forum had got a boost of the English-speaking chess- and scientific-minded users. By the way, I can't remind a single active user of this forum who does not know at least basic English.
May be, we need to open a special topic, where English would be a basic language of communication?
My English is poor, and I think such topic would be useful for me.
Эдвардс сможет скоро хорошо потренироваться на английском. Для этого я рекоммендую Edwards-у регулярно постить свои топало-хвалебные опусы где нибудь на форуме МИГ-а во время матча Вишик-Топа.
Мне казалось, что там можно было форсировать размен ферзей и идти в простой по виду эндшпиль. Поэтому по человечески 47ой ход Шорта для меня загадка. Может рыбкой втихоря пользуется гад?